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Click on the images below to learn more about some of our published research! 
See below for full list

Inside Front Cover of Analyst

Inside Front Cover!! Elemental and molecular characterization of degrading blood pools.

DPVs of degrading bloodstains

DPVs of degrading bloodstains - forensic electrochemistry!

Forensic Chemistry - December 2020

Featured on the front cover of Forensic Chemistry - December 2020

Chemiluminescent reaction with latent bloodstains


Fluorescent hybrid inorganic-organic sol-gel blood substitutes for BPA research & training

Featured on the cover of Forensic Chemistry

FT-ICR MSI of eccrine secretions in latent and chemically washed fingerprints

FT-ICR MSI of eccrine secretions in latent and chemically washed fingerprints

Modelling parent stain size in passive drip simulation

Graphical Abstract-v1

High-speed video analysis of impacts into blood

Featured on the Cover of the Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology

Allele peak heights from our degraded and fresh hydrogel tissue simulants


   We are 43 manuscripts in counting! 

        Please note that authors indicated in red are student authors.  denoting undergraduate student,  ‡ denoting graduate student and * PI

​FORENSIC MATERIALS: blood & other tissue simulants

  • Orr A‡, Wilson P, Stotesbury T*. Alginate/Xanthan gum hydrogels as forensic blood substitutes for bloodstain formation and analysis. Soft Matter. 19(20):3711-3722. (preprint on ChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-kjwkq)

  • Orr A‡, Wilson P, Stotesbury T*. DNA crosslinked alginate hydrogels: Characterization, microparticle development and applications in forensic science. ACS Applied Polymer Materials. (also on chemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-j329q)

  • Orr A‡, Wilson P*, Stotesbury T*. Calcium-Alginate Tissue Gels (CATG): Proof-of-Concept Biomaterial Development. Forensic Science International. 2021 Oct 13:111055.

  • Orr A†, Gualdieri R‡, Cossette ML†, Shafer A, Stotesbury T*.  Whole bovine blood use in forensic research: Sample preparation and storage considerations. Science & Justice. 2021 May 1;61(3):214-20.

  • Polacco S‡, Wilson P*, Illes M, Vreugdenhil A, Stotesbury T*. Luminol reagent control materials in bloodstain pattern analysis: A silicon sol-gel polymer alternative. Forensic Chemistry. 2019 March;12(1):91-8.

  • Polacco S‡, Illes M, Wilson P*, Stotesbury T*. Quantifying chemiluminescence of the forensic luminol test for ovine blood in a dilution and time series. Forensic Science International. 2018 Sept;290(1):36-41.

  • Polacco S†, Illes M*, Stotesbury T. The use of a forensic blood substitute for impact pattern area of origin estimation via three trajectory analysis programs. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal. 2018 May 25;51(2):1-9.

  • Stotesbury T, Illes M*, Wilson P*, Vreugdenhil A*. The application of silicon sol-gel technology to forensic blood substitute development: investigation of the spreading dynamics onto a paper surface. Forensic Science International. 2017 June;275(1):308-13.

  • Stotesbury T, Illes M*, Wilson P*, Vreugdenhil AJ*. The application of silicon sol-gel technology to forensic blood substitute development: mimicking aspects of whole human blood rheology. Forensic Science International. 2017 Jan;270(1):12-9.

  • Stotesbury T, Taylor MC*, Jermy MC*. Simulated transfer dynamics of blood onto cardboard and comparison to simple fluids for blood substitute development and assessment. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal. 2016 Dec;50(1):30-41.

  • Stotesbury T, Taylor MC*, Jermy MC*. Passive drip stain formation dynamics of blood onto hard surfaces and comparison to simple fluids for blood substitute development and assessment. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2017 Jan;62(1):74-82.

  • Illes M*, Bruce C, Hanley-Dafoe R, Stotesbury T. Novel technological approaches for pedagogy in forensic science: A case study in bloodstain pattern analysis. Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal . 2016 Oct 11;7(3-4):87-97.

  • Stotesbury T, Bruce C, Illes M*, Hanley-Dafoe R. Design considerations for the implementation of artificial fluids as blood substitutes for educational and training use in the forensic sciences. Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal. 2016 Oct 11;7(3-4):81-6.

  • Stotesbury T, Illes M*, Wilson P*, Vreugdenhil AJ*. A commentary on synthetic blood substitute research and development. Journal of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. 31(2):3-6.


Beyond Forensics: blood properties

  • Kennedy B‡, Mirza S†, Mandiangu T†, Bissinger R, Stotesbury T, Jones-Taggart H, Green-Johnson J, Qadri S*. Examination of bovine red blood cell death in vitro in response to pathophyiologic proapoptotic stimuli. Frontiers in Bioscience; 28(12),311:  


FORENSIC CHEMISTRY: aging & other analytical methods

  • Elliott C‡, Simmons DBD, Stotesbury T*. Integrating time since deposition estimation of bloodstains into a DNA workflow: A novel approach using fluorescence spectroscopy. (preprint also on chemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-2cnk8)

  • Giroux E‡, Ebralidze I, Stotesbury T*. Elemental and molecular characterization of degrading blood pools. Analyst, 2023;148:4300-4309. (see inside front cover!)

  • K Rampete†, Elliott C‡, Stotesbury T*. Monitoring the solid state VIS profiles of degrading bloodstains. Forensic Chemistry. 26 May 2023. (preprint on chemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-j3glh)

  • Elliott C‡, Shafer ABA*, Stotesbury T*. The crux of time: A meta-analysis of ex-vivo whole blood degradation. Frontiers in Analytical Science – Forensic Chemistry. Oct 2022. >> Special Issue in: Editor’s Showcase: Forensic Chemistry

  • Tiessen M‡, Fruehwald HM‡, Easton EB*, Stotesbury T*. Insights into bloodstain degradation and time since deposition estimation using electrochemistry. Frontiers in Analytical Science – Forensic Chemistry. 8 June 2022. >> Special Issue in: Luminescence and electrochemical methods: analysis of physical evidence

  • Elliott C†, Stotesbury T*, Shafer ABA*. Using total RNA quality metrics for time since deposition estimates in degrading bloodstains. Journal of Forensic Science. 2022.

  • Yeh K†, Castel S‡, Stock NL, Stotesbury T, Burr W*. subMALDI: an open framework R package for processing irregularly-spaced mass spectrometry data. Journal of Open Source Software. 2021 Sept 10. 

  • Stotesbury T*, Cossette ML†, Newell-Bell T†, Shafer ABA*. An exploratory time since deposition analysis of whole blood using metrics of DNA degradation and visible absorbance spectroscopy. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 2021 Mar 1;178(3):735-43.

  • Tiessen M†, Stock NL*, Stotesbury T*. Untargeted SPME-GC-MS characterization of VOCs released from spray paint. Journal of Chromatographic Science. 2021 Feb;59(2):103-11.

  • Cossette ML†, Stotesbury T*, Shafer ABA*. Quantifying visible absorbance changes and DNA degradation in aging bloodstains under extreme temperatures. Forensic Science International. 2021 Jan;318(1):110627.



FORENSIC SCIENCE: practitioner-centric research

  • Harvey J†, Liscio E*, Lowe A*, Stotesbury T*. Recovery of Footwear Impression Evidence Using Portable 3D Scanning Technologies. Journal of Forensic Identification; Mar 2024;90/74(1).

  • Vale B†, Orr A‡, Elliott C‡, Stotesbury T*. Optical profilometry for forensic bloodstain imaging. Microscopy Research and Technique, 1-8.Oct 2023;86(10):1401-8.  (also on Authorea 0.22541/au.167329934.45531674/v1)

  • Plante J‡, Orr A†, Albrecht I, Wyard L, Boyd P, Stotesbury T*. Drip stains formed on ice and snow: an observational study. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal. 2021 April 1;54(2):1-6.

  • Yeh K†, Stock NL*, Burr W*, Stotesbury T*. Preliminary analysis of latent fingerprints recovered from underneath bloodstains using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MALDI FT-ICR MS). Forensic Chemistry. 2020 Aug;20(1):100274.

  • Orr A‡, Stotesbury T*, Wilson P*, Stock NL*. The use of high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) for the analysis of DNA and other macromolecules: a how-to guide for forensic chemistry. Forensic Chemistry. 2019 June;14(1):100169.

  • Orr A†, Illes M*, Beland J*, Stotesbury T*. Validation of Sherlock, a linear trajectory analysis program for use in bloodstain pattern analysis. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal. 2019 Mar 4;52(2):78-94.

  • Stotesbury T, Illes M*, Vreugdenhil AJ*. High-speed video analysis of crown formation dynamics of controlled weapon-head impacts onto three surface types. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal. 2017 Feb;50(2):64-73.

  • Stotesbury T, Illes M, Jermy MC*, Taylor MC*, Wilhelm J, Vreugdenhil AJ. Three physical factors that affect the crown growth of the impact mechanism and its implications for bloodstain pattern analysis. Forensic Science International. 2016 Sept;266(1):254-62.

  • Illes M*, Stotesbury T. Development of an application method for a zone stain selection model in bloodstain pattern analysis. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal. 2016;49(1):19-25.

  • Kabaliuk N, Jermy MC*, Morison K, Stotesbury T, Taylor MC*, Williams E. Blood drop size in passive dripping from weapons. Forensic Science International. 2013 May 10;228(1):75-82.

  • Stotesbury T, Illes M*, Vreugdenhil A*. Investigation of physical effects of Acid Yellow 7 enhancement on dark and non-porous surfaces in impact pattern area of origin estimation. Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences Journal. 2012;45(1):22-35.

  • Nowack L, Collins R, Li G, Carter AL, Illes M, Gorman V, Larocque S, Stotesbury T, Yamashita B*. Computer analysis of bloodstain patterns on angled surfaces. Journal of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. 27(3):17-28.



  • Illes M*, Bruce C, Stotesbury T, Hanley-Dafoe R. A study on student engagement within a forensic science course. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research at Trent. 2018 Aug 28;1(1):55-70.

  • Beresford D*, Stotesbury T*, Langer S, Illes M, Kyle C, Yamashita B. Bridging the gap between academia and practice: perspectives from two large-scale and niche research projects in Canada. Science & Justice 2020 Jan 1;60(1):95-8.

  • Illes M*, Bruce C, Hanley-Dafoe R, Stotesbury T. Novel technological approaches for pedagogy in forensic science: A case study in bloodstain pattern analysis. Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal . 2016 Oct 11;7(3-4):87-97.

  • Stotesbury T, Bruce C, Illes M*, Hanley-Dafoe R. Design considerations for the implementation of artificial fluids as blood substitutes for educational and training use in the forensic sciences. Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal. 2016 Oct 11;7(3-4):81-6.


OTHER: corrosion resistant coatings & passive sampling devices 

  • Shetranjiwalla S, Vreugenhil A*, Stotesbury T. Waterborne epoxy-thiol silica sol-gel coatings: impact of crosslinking on corrosion protection. Journal of Sol Gel Science and Technology. 2018 July 28;87(2):504-13.

  • PATENT: Vreugdenhil AJ, Stotesbury TE, inventors; TRENT UNIVERSITY, assignee. Anti-corrosion sol-gel material. United States patent US 10,457,562. 2019 Oct 29.

  • Zhou Y, Stotesbury T, Dimock B, Vreugdenhil AJ, Hintelmann H*. Novel silica sol-gel passive sampler for mercury monitoring in aqueous systems. Chemosphere. 2013 Jan;90(2):323-8.



© Copyright Theresa Stotesbury 2021

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