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HIGH-SPEED VIDEOS: drip stains on ice & snow

These videos are supplemental for our observational study on how passive drip stains form on snow and ice. This research was a collaboration between our research group and Toronto Police Service Forensic Identification Services. 

To cite this collection of videos for your purposes please use the following:

Stotesbury T, Albrecht A, Wyard L, Boyd P. High-speed videos of passive drip stains formed on snow and ice. 23 Feb 2019. 

For further information about our study and video collection please request here.

This is an example of a passive drip stain that has formed on ice (crust). The droplet is made using bovine blood with 12.5% v/v acid citrate dextrose (ACD-A) anticoagulant . Passive drip stains were created using a Pasteur pipette, droplets were allowed to form and fall perpendicular to the surface at a height of 90 cm.

This is an example of a passive drip stain that has formed on powdered snow. The droplet is made using bovine blood with 12.5% v/v acid citrate dextrose (ACD-A) anticoagulant . Passive drip stains were created using a Pasteur pipette, droplets were allowed to form and fall perpendicular to the surface at a height of 90 cm.

This is an example of a passive drip stain that has formed on new snow. The droplet is made using bovine blood with 12.5% v/v acid citrate dextrose (ACD-A) anticoagulant . Passive drip stains were created using a Pasteur pipette, droplets were allowed to form and fall perpendicular to the surface at a height of 90 cm.

This is an example of a passive drip stain that has formed on mixed terrain. The droplet is made using bovine blood with 12.5% v/v acid citrate dextrose (ACD-A) anticoagulant . Passive drip stains were created using a Pasteur pipette, droplets were allowed to form and fall perpendicular to the surface at a height of 90 cm.

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